Black Friday isn’t quite here yet, but the deals have already started and
officially mark the start of the shopping season. This is the time when
advertisers promote their products and offer
I Sverige står Story House Egmont bakom populära varumärken
[] som King och Café
[], Hus&Hem [],
Many marketers and advertisers within the media industry plan their strategies
quarterly or yearly, but few remember to plan out their seasonal advertising.
Holidays, events and traditions drive a lot of attention from
Den 26 november 2021 infaller Sveriges mest omtalade readag för fysiska butiker och e-handel. Vi har träffat Gisela Sundfeldt, Sales Manager på PriceRunner, för att diskutera annonsering och prognoser inför Black Friday.
Within marketing, print and digital often live separately. However, we think
that a combination of both can boost each other’s strengths and create greater
impact. Here are three ways we think it