Advertising Summary of 2021 - Top Seven!

We are approaching the end of the year, and it is time to start summing up what happened during 2021. The last couple of years have been marked by massive challenges in the form of COVID-19, but this year we have finally started to see the light at the end of the tunnel. 2021 has been educational, entertaining, and eventful regarding the advertising industry. This is why we decided to make a summary, discussing and addressing the most relevant trends that took place during the last 12 months.

Alright, here we go!

The Ongoing Recovery in the Advertising Industry
The world is slowly recovering from the pandemic. This can specifically be seen in the growth in the Swedish advertising industry. The growth has increased by 23.4% during the third quarter of 2021, in comparison to the third quarter of 2020.

Advertising in Cinemas More Than Doubled
Most industries were affected by the pandemic, and the movie industry was no exception. But in September 2021, Sweden’s media agencies stated that advertising in cinemas had increased by 154%, compared to the same period in the previous year. What a progress!

AR Went Mainstream
The stay-at-home orders have been forcing mechanisms to take technology to a new level. In 2021, AR technology has gained a stronger foothold in many corners of our lives - shopping, entertainment, communication, and of course in marketing. Read our article about 5G and AR to learn more.

Increase in Radio as an Advertising Channel
Radio as a media channel had a decrease in advertising investments, just like most media channels as a result of the pandemic. But during the first half-year of 2021, the investments had a positive increase of 5.5%.

Outdoor Ads Became More Noticeable
With most stay-at-home orders lifted during 2021, people started to enjoy more time outside of their homes. A poll was conducted that illustrated how 45% of respondents notice out-of-home advertising more now than before the pandemic started.

Personalization in Marketing
According to a study, 72% of consumers say they now only engage with marketing messages tailored to their interests. Next year, it will be more important than ever for marketers to adjust their communication based on the user’s personal preferences, interests, and behavior.

Open Request Release on Ocast
In September, Ocast released a brand new function on the website. Advertisers could start creating free requests to reach the best media companies. By filling in campaign requirements, media companies can respond with matching proposals. We have noticed many successful businesses, and we are excited to see even more in 2022.

That's it for 2021. But stay updated, soon we will post predictions of advertising trends that will be taking the center stage in 2022.